Pohár Lib. kraje


Oddíl podporuje Liberecký kraj

Krátké zprávy

30.3.2013 Propozice na jablonecký plavecko-běžecký duatlon, který se bude konat 25. dubna naleznete zde

5.10.2012 Výsledky z lékařského triatlonu naleznete zde.

 31.7.2012  TJ Bižuterie Jablonec n.N. uspořádá  dne 22.září 2012 opět triatlon pro mládežnické kategorie. Podrobnější infromace již brzy v sekci Libereceký kraj.

    8.7.2012 Zážitky Petry Kuříkové - 5.té   z akademického MS si můžete přečíst zde.

28.3.2012    13.Jablonecký plavecko-běžecký duatlon se uskuteční ve čtvrek 12.dubna v plaveckém bazénu ( ul. Sv.Čecha ) a jeho okolí. Prezentace od 13 do 13,30hod. Bližší informace uvedeme v nejbližší době.

29.1.2012 Ve druhém závodě ČP v ZTT v Hlinsku si vedll skvěle Martin Hušek, když stejně jako před týdnem získal 2.místo. Lepší byl pouze Pavel Jindra. Ostatní závodníci našeho oddílu nestartovali. Po dvou závodech je Martin celkově druhý a tým TJ Bižuterie na 2.-3.místě výsledky zde.


Běží na Drupalu, open-source redakčním systému


Bělá chystá oslavy osmdesátin. Na jaře chce proto jen vyhrávat

Z Jablonecka - St, 31/01/2024 - 20:30
Bělá v klidu přezimovala na druhém místě tabulky I. A třídy Libereckého kraje. Od prvního FC Pěnčín A ji dělí devět bodů. Má v soutěži dobře našlápnuto. Za silné podpory svých fanoušků, kteří s ní jezdí i na venkovní zápasy, chce určitě sbírat body dál.
Kategorie: Triatlon

Deset medailí vybojovali lyžaři ze SKI klubu Jablonec na poháru

Z Jablonecka - St, 31/01/2024 - 19:35
SKI klub Jablonec má jasnou prioritu, péči o sportovně talentovanou mládež. ​Nabízí jí výborné zázemí, zkušené a kvalitní trenéry a tři kilometry osvětlených lyžařských tratí s možností umělého zasněžování. Odměnou jsou medaile, které členové klubu o každém víkendu vybojují.  
Kategorie: Triatlon

Doma to bude pro naše biatlonisty daleko těžší, říká bývalý reprezentant Matouš:

Z Jablonecka - St, 31/01/2024 - 18:44
Pět žen a pět mužů je v české nominaci na domácí mistrovství světa v biatlonu v Novém Městě na Moravě. Ti už mají účast jistou. Největší biatlonová akce odstartuje 7. února smíšenou štafetou. Ve hře je ovšem ještě povolání šestého muže.
Kategorie: Triatlon

Návrat z Austrálie i ze sousedství. Doubí pro boj o udržení posílí i hráč Desné

Z Jablonecka - St, 31/01/2024 - 13:07
TJ Sokol Doubí se chystá na jarní záchranářskou misi fotbalové I. A třídy. Po polovině sezony jedenáctý celek tabulky má k dobru na poslední Krásnou Studánku pět bodů.
Kategorie: Triatlon

World Triathlon launches the 2024 Athlete Scholarship Programme

ITU - novinky - St, 31/01/2024 - 09:00

World Triathlon is proud to announce the opening of applications for the 2024 Athlete Scholarship Programme, meant to identify and provide support, resources, and expertise to those athletes from developing/emerging National Federations (NF Groups*: 2, 3B, 3A) with the greatest needs to help them compete at Continental and World level over the last months of the Olympic Qualification Period (cut-off 27 May 2024) and help their preparation and qualification for the upcoming Paris 2024 Olympic Games.
(*Note: for NF Groups, please visit National Federation Survey).

Qualification Criteria
In order to be eligible, Athletes must be registered and in good standing with their National Federations, and need to have shown the ability to race at a high standard in Continental and World Triathlon Cup-level competitions. The athletes nominated should be committed to competing in the long term and have the 2024 Paris Olympic Games as an ultimate objective.

Athletes must have the potential to be able to qualify for the 2024 Paris Olympic Games via one of the following qualification pathways:
- Individual Olympic Qualification Ranking
- World Triathlon Ranking - Continental “New Flag”
- Universality Invitational Place (IOC Tripartite Commission)
- Must be from an emerging/developing National Federation (NF Groups: 2, 3B, 3A).
- All applications will be considered with a strong endorsement from the Athlete’s National Federation.

All applications will be considered in conjunction with a strong endorsement from the Athlete’s National Federation.

The applications should be submitted using the online application form no later than Monday, 12th February 2024 (CET). Successful applicants will be informed by the end of February 2024, and World Triathlon Development will coordinate the plans with the successful athletes and their NFs.
PLEASE NOTE: The respective National Federation of the applicant MUST submit all applications. The National Federation must be in good standing with World Triathlon.

Successful applicants will receive the following:
The amount of funding allocated to each athlete depends on the programme outline submitted by the NF for each candidate.

Use of the World Triathlon Athlete Scholarship
The World Triathlon Athlete Scholarship may be used for the following as defined in the athlete’s 2024 planning and approved by World Triathlon Development:
- Participation (travel, accommodation) at qualification races on the way to Paris 2024
- Training Camp
- Massage, Physiotherapy

Evaluation and Requirements of Recipients
The athletes selected will be tracked for the duration of the placement, and regular reporting will be required from the candidates and their personal coaches. All recipients must make themselves available (within reason and without interfering with the athlete’s training, racing or school commitments) for interviews and photo sessions to promote the programme in their own country and internationally.

Next Triathlon Generation Scholarship - After the Paris Olympic Games
After the 2024 Paris Olympic Games,  World Triathlon will release the Next Triathlon Generation Programme for the Los Angeles 2028 Olympic Games and beyond in July 2024.

For more information on the World Triathlon Athlete Scholarship Programme please get in touch with Zita Csovelyak, Head of National Federation Services & Development, at zita@triathlon.org.


Download the Application Form here.

Kategorie: Triatlon

Budeme mít možná nového gólmana, hlásí ze zimní přípravy béčko Přepeř

Z Jablonecka - Út, 30/01/2024 - 23:00
Béčko Přepeř zakončilo v I. B třídě východ podzimní část sezóny ze čtrnácti účastníků na desátém místě. Na konto si připsali patnáct bodů a skóre 25:42. Sehráli třináct utkání. A první jarní čeká tým 24. března na hřišti Harrachova.
Kategorie: Triatlon

Jablonecký trenér Látal: Trápí nás finální fáze. Šanci dostali i hráči z béčka

Z Jablonecka - Út, 30/01/2024 - 21:00
Ve druhém přípravném utkání na soustředění v Turecku nestačili fotbalisté FK Jablonec na 5. tým srbské ligy FK Novi Pazar. Po prvním dějství byl stav 1:1, ale ve druhém poločase jablonecký tým inkasoval na konečných 2:1. Už v úvodních minutách zápasu se stalo plno věcí.
Kategorie: Triatlon

Cyklokrosař Bažant je sedmý nejlepší na světě. Chce do profi týmu

Z Jablonecka - Út, 30/01/2024 - 20:00
Nadějným cyklistou, původem z Jizerských hor, je Kryštof Bažant. Narodil se v Plavech a startuje za lučanský tým CYKLOSTAR Pirelli. Kryštof patří mezi TOP deset nejlepších juniorů na světě, aktuálně mu patří sedmé místo.
Kategorie: Triatlon

PTO and World Triathlon launch the T100 Triathlon World Tour

ITU - novinky - Út, 30/01/2024 - 16:44

The Professional Triathletes Organisation (PTO) and World Triathlon have announced today a significant relaunch of the PTO Tour, with 40 of the world’s highest ranked athletes competing in an expanded 2024 calendar that will feature eight races and will be known as the T100 Triathlon World Tour.

The evolution of the PTO Tour to the T100 Triathlon World Tour follows the PTO’s partnership agreement with World Triathlon in August 2023, which designated it as ‘the official World Championship tour of long distance triathlon’.

The rebranded series will visit three continents, starting in Miami on 9 March before finishing with a Grand Final at a soon-to-be announced Middle East location at the end of November, where the women’s and men’s World Champion will be crowned.  The full T100 Triathlon World Tour calendar for 2024 includes:

9-10 March - Miami T100
13-14 April – Singapore T100
June TBA - California T100
27-28 July - London T100
28-29 Sept - Ibiza T100
19-20 Oct - Lake Las Vegas T100
16-17 Nov - Dubai T100
29-30 Nov - Grand Final - location to be announced soon

As well as revealing the venues and dates, an international line-up of 40 leading triathletes will compete in a minimum of five races as well as the Grand Final. Thirty-two of the athletes qualified as a result of their PTO World Ranking at two points during 2023, with eight additional spots awarded to women and men who’s past results and future potential will bring excitement to the tour and host countries. Individual wildcards will be awarded for each race in consultations between World Triathlon and PTO.

Stacked fields and Hotshots confirmed

The women’s line up includes all the top PTO World Ranked athletes, including: current #1 Anne Haug (GER),  #2 Ashleigh Gentle (AUS), #3 Taylor Knibb (USA), #4 Lucy Charles-Barclay (GBR), #5 Laura Philipp (GER), #6 Kat Matthews (GBR), #7 Paula Findlay (CAN), #8 Daniela Ryf (SUI), #9 Imogen Simmonds (SUI), #10 Emma Pallant-Browne (GBR), #11 Chelsea Sodaro (USA), #12 Marjolaine Pierré (FRA), #13 Skye Moench (USA), #14 Tamara Jewett (CAN), #15 India Lee (GBR), #17 Amelia Watkinson (NZL) #22 Holly Lawrence (GBR), #25 Lucy Byram (GBR), Taylor Spivey (USA) and Flora Duffy (BER).

The men’s also features the very best athletes, including current #2 Magnus Ditlev (DEN), #3 Jason West (USA), #5 Pieter Heemeryck (BEL), #6 Mathis Margirier (FRA), #7 Rudy Von Berg (USA), #8 Leon Chevalier (FRA), #9 Sam Long (USA), #11 Daniel Baekkegard (DEN), #12 Bradley Weiss (RSA), #13 Sam Laidlow (FRA), #14 Frederic Funk (GER), #15 Clement Mignon (FRA), #16 Aaron Royle (AUS), #17 David McNamee (GBR), #23 Ben Kanute (USA), #26 Rico Bogen (GER), #31 Alistair Brownlee (GBR), #174 Max Neumann (AUS), #205 Marten Van Riel (BEL) and #267 Javier Gomez (ESP).

Speaking on today’s announcement, PTO Executive Chairman, Chris Kermode, said: “We’ve been clear that we wanted to create a tour that represents the pinnacle of the sport and have talked about the importance of a season-long schedule of high quality racing that sees the world’s best endurance athletes going head-to-head on a consistent basis in different, iconic locations.  So we are hugely excited to be able to announce the 2024 calendar, that it will now be known as the T100 Triathlon World Tour and a world class group of athletes.”

“This is a significant step forward for the sport of triathlon and our ambition to elevate professional triathlon on a global sporting stage and is the culmination of what we’ve been working hard to achieve over the last 12 months. But, as I’ve said to the athletes and the PTO team over the last few weeks, in triathlon terms the PTO is only just emerging from the water and there is still an awfully long way to go to the finish line. But to have the calibre of these athletes announced today sign up and commit to the new T100 Triathlon World Tour is a huge endorsement of what we’re both building.”

World Triathlon and PTO uniting strengths

Responding on behalf of World Triathlon, its President Marisol Casado said: “When we announced our partnership with PTO last summer, the goal that we had in mind was exactly this: to be able to deliver a brand new Tour of events that have their own ecosystem and that will elevate our sport to new heights across an athlete’s entire career. By uniting our strengths, passion and dedication, we aim to bring positive change and innovation to the triathlon community.”

“Together, we aspire to forge a more inclusive, fair, competitive and sustainable landscape for athletes, fans and stakeholders. The T100 Triathlon World Tour exemplifies the tremendous potential that arises when organisations align their visions, fostering a thriving environment for the sport we all hold dear. As we embark on this journey hand in hand, we are steadfast in our belief that together, we can guide triathlon towards a brighter, more exhilarating future.”

On the rebranding of the PTO Tour to T100 Triathlon World Tour, PTO CEO Sam Renouf explained: “This was the right moment for us to introduce a more consumer facing brand. As we’ve developed the races and the broadcast product over the past three years, we’ve continued to listen to feedback from all parties, including our broadcast partners, the media, fans and, of course, the athletes who co-own the organisation. It was clear that we needed to be more explicit about this being a triathlon world tour as well as hero the exciting 100km distance, which continues to mark us out and deliver compelling racing. With races being known as the Singapore T100 or Ibiza T100, we believe it will help establish T100 as both a powerful brand as well as a unique format - which will only help on the mission to take the sport more mainstream. This will create more opportunities to attract new host cities, commercial sponsors and engage amateurs and mass participants who we will be performing at each of our stops this year.”

“The look and feel of the new brand tells a very vibrant, relevant and visual story, thanks to the design having been inspired by the heart rate of an athlete during a triathlon.”

T100 Triathlon World Tour summary

As a summary, alongside the introduction of the new T100 brand and the athletes:

- 20 female and male athletes are contracted across the season (40 in total)
- Committed athletes will race a minimum of 5 races plus the Grand Final. Although racing obligations for athletes who’ve qualified and will compete in the Olympics have been reduced
- A discretionary number of Wildcards at each event based on remaining spots, to be agreed between World Triathlon and PTO
- Athletes to score 35 point for first place to 1 pt for 20th place at each race
- The Grand Final has increased points to up the ante (55 pts down to 4 pts)
- $250,000 USD prize fund at each T100, totalling $2,000,000 across the eight races (1st place - $25,000k; 2nd - $16,000; 3rd - $12,000 at each race) 
- The series winners following the Grand Final will be crowned T100 Triathlon World Champion and will win $210,000 USD from an additional total prize pool of $2,000,000

Between the athlete contracts, T100 race prize fund and T100 Triathlon World Tour pool, the series provides more than $7,000,000 in athlete compensation, and is distributed in a way that not only rewards the winners, but also recognises the significant achievement of racing at this level

“The PTO’s events have improved each time, but we need more of them to take the sport mainstream,” continued Renouf. “It has lacked a season-long narrative with a World Champion at the end. Media, fans and our athletes themselves have told us that. If we want to be more like the ATP or Formula One, where it’s Max Verstappen versus Lewis Hamilton every time they line up, there’s a need for a contracted relationship with the athletes so we know if we tune in, then we are seeing the ‘best of the best’ every time. This is a key tenet of professional sports - and a package we must deliver.”

Kona Queen Lucy Charles-Barclay is back

Giving their reaction to the new calendar and T100 World Triathlon Tour at a special launch event at London’s City Hall, overlooking Royal Victoria Dock where the London T100 swim will take place, the reigning Ironman World Champion and PTO World #4 Lucy Charles-Barclay said:

“For me, the T100 Triathlon World Tour is where our sport is heading. Having done four of the PTO 100km races now, I love the atmosphere, rivalry and challenge they bring. I have tried the Olympic distance and loved the fast pace excitement of flat out racing, and on the other side of the spectrum I have raced and performed really well at the Ironman distance which is all about pacing and endurance. But actually putting something in the middle and bringing in athletes from the long course and from the Olympic distance, it’s just a melting pot of talent and the level of racing is higher than we’ve ever seen in the sport. I believe in what the PTO and World Triathlon are doing and how exciting and big it could become and that’s what I want to be a part of. So my personal goal this year is the T100 tour. I’ve never focused on the 100km distance entirely before and I just want to see how far I can go over the format.”

Alistair Brownlee joins the Hotshots

Joining Lucy at the launch was two-time Olympic and four-time Triathlon World Champion Alistair Brownlee, who has been one of the recipients of the discretionary Hotshot contracts. He echoed Lucy’s excitement and conviction by saying: “I want to see more people watching top level long distance triathlon, being inspired by seeing the top athletes racing. It’s crucial that the PTO succeeds and I’m convinced that the T100 Triathlon World Tour’s success will be triathlon’s success.”

“It’s tough to create something new but ultimately it will benefit every triathlete, so having the PTO work closely with World Triathlon to put on these great races in great locations that allow athletes to flourish and race to the best of their ability - and broadcasting it around the world in the right manner - has got to be the way to go to bring in new fans and people who want to engage in the sport in a new way.”

Amateurs To Also Take T100 start line

It won’t just be professional athletes who will get the opportunity to race on the T100 Triathlon World Tour, announcing mass participation races for amateurs at all of the events, including the newly established 100km distance at six stages, including: Singapore, London, Ibiza, Lake Las Vegas, Dubai and at the Grand Final. These mass participation races will give amateurs the chance to compete on the same spectacular courses as the pros as well as watch the best in the world up close and personal.

As a result of its partnership with World Triathlon, certain stages of the Tour will also feature mass participation and championship designations, with the chance to represent your country under the membership of the athlete’s respective National Federation. Full details of the entry process for these amateur events will be shared alongside the announcement of the T100 Grand Final.

“Next level racing and a ‘major event atmosphere’ were two of the things the 6,000 amateur athletes who took part in Singapore last year called out,” said Renouf. “So, alongside the professional races we’ll be running mass participation opportunities at most of the events. Registration is open on the PTO website and we look forward to welcoming all those who want to get involved.”

Kategorie: Triatlon

POZVÁNKA GLADIATOR RACE: Zimní výzva pro všechny dobrodruhy a sportovní nadšence

Z Jablonecka - Út, 30/01/2024 - 13:05
V sobotu 3. a neděli 4. února se v běžkařském areálu v Liberci uskuteční zimní edice překážkového závodu Gladiator Race. Jedná se o první závod série v sezóně 2024, který se opět po roce představí v podhůří Jizerských hor, a to konkrétně v Liberci na stadionu Vesec, který v roce 2009 hostil Mistrovství světa v běžeckém lyžování.
Kategorie: Triatlon

Jsme dospělí, kdyby chtěl někdo odejít, snad by nám to řekl, doufá Janáček

Z Jablonecka - Út, 30/01/2024 - 09:30
Po podzimní části je Bílý Kostel nad Nisou příjemným překvapením liberecké A třídy. Vždyť v minulém ročníku bojoval Tatran o udržení se v soutěži až do posledních kol, místo toho si teď užívá třetí místo a prohání ty nejlepší. Jak pracují na hřišti i mimo něj, aby si vybojovanou pozici udrželi?
Kategorie: Triatlon

Age-Group World Championships in 2024

ITU - novinky - Út, 30/01/2024 - 08:17

Age-Group ‘World Triathletes’ have many opportunities in 2024 to suit up and race for their country, in a World Championship event. World Triathlon encourages Age-Group triathletes to contact their National Federation to find out more about qualification and racing for their respective country and the following World Championships in 2024.

2024 World Triathlon Winter Championships and Winter Duathlon Championships Pragelato
First up on the Age-Group World Triathlon calendar is the 2024 World Triathlon Winter Championships to Pragelato, in the region of Bardonecchia, Italy, 23-25 February. The entry deadline for the World Triathlon Winter Championships Pragelato is 9 February 2024. Athletes who are interested in participating are encouraged to contact their National Federation to find out pathways to qualification and racing.

As athletes from around the globe prepare to converge on Bardonecchia in 2024, the event promises to showcase the pinnacle of Winter Triathlon excellence. Competitors will navigate the snow-covered landscapes, showcasing their prowess in running, mountain biking, and cross-country skiing, creating a spectacle that captures the true essence of winter sports athleticism. On Saturday, the day will start with the Age-Group and Para Winter Duathlon Championships, that will be followed by the Elite, U23 and Junior Winter Triathlon Championships. On the final day of competition, Sunday, the schedule includes the Age-Group Standard distance World Triathlon Winter Championships; the Para Winter Triathlon World Championships and the 2x2 Winter Triathlon Mixed Relay for Elites and U23/Juniors.

2024 World Triathlon Multisport Championships Townsville
It will then be Australia’s turn to host the 2024 World Triathlon Multisport Championships in Townsville, Australia, from 15-25 August, 2024. The 12-day event will include 19 World Championship races across five different levels of athletes, including Age Group, Para Triathletes, Junior, Under 23 and Elites. Thousands of athletes from around the world will make their way to North Queensland for the event, with it being the first time the World Triathlon Multisport Championships have been held in Australia.The entry deadline for the World Triathlon Multisport Championships Townsville.

The World Triathlon Multisport Championships will see duathlon, long distance triathlon, long distance aquabike, aquathlon, cross triathlon and cross duathlon world championship races organised together over the 12-day festival. The entry deadline for the World Triathlon Multisport Championships is 30 June 2024.

2024 World Triathlon Powerman Long Distance Duathlon Championships Zofingen
The 2024 edition of the World Triathlon Powerman Long Distance Duathlon Championships will once again be staged in Zofingen on 8 September and the entry deadline is the entry deadline is 6 August 2024.

2024 World Triathlon Championship Finals incorporating the 2024 World Triathlon Age-Group Championships
The 2024 World Triathlon Age-Group Championships has been awarded to Malaga, in Andalucia, Spain. World Champions will be crowned in the Age-Group Standard distance, Age-Group Sprint distance, Age-Group Aquabike Standard distance and Age-Group Mixed Relay World Championships.

The Championship Finals are the crown jewel of World Triathlon’s annual calendar. Previous hosts have included such cities as London, Budapest, Beijing, Auckland, Chicago, Gold Coast, Lausanne, Edmonton, Abu Dhabi and the recent 2023 edition was hosted in Pontevedra, Spain.

For more information on getting involved in any of the the World Triathlon Age-Group Championships, contact your National Federation.

Kategorie: Triatlon

World Triathlon Winter Cup Harbin to kickstart run-bike-ski action for 2024

ITU - novinky - Po, 29/01/2024 - 21:30

The winter triathlon season gets underway in China this weekend with Saturday’s Winter Cup Harbin. Taking place 1300km northeast of Beijing in what is known as the City of Ice, for the first time since 2020 the Sun Island venue will offer up a course consisting of a one lap 4km run and 6km bike and a 2-lap 6km ski to the tape.

The event comes at the start of February, just three weeks before the Winter Triathlon World Championships Pragelato in the Italian Alps, and among the names on the men’s start list is last year’s world championship bronze medallist Franco Pesavento.

The Italian will headline the action in Harabin along with equally formidable world championship medalists and teammates Alessandro Saravalle and Giuseppe Lamastra.

Lamastra took 7th place on this course four years ago and will line up alongside Romanian talent Viorel Palici, Germany’s Sebastian Neef and China’s Chicun Baima. The Mongolian duo of Bayartsengel Luvsandavaa and Altanshagai Nyambuu complete the men’s line up in Harabin.

Home athletes dominate the start list of the women’s race, the young talent Yifei Li, Qiuxiang Ma, Yu Wang, Yula Danzeng, Miao Wang and Senyao Lu looking to take full advantage of a race on home turf, Romania’s national champion from 2022 Edit Keresztes-Vakaria the sole non-Chinese name on the list and ready to make an impact.

For more information and start lists click here.

Kategorie: Triatlon

Dlouho jsem takhle v kabině nekřičel, zdůraznil trenér HC Jablonec Měrtl

Z Jablonecka - Po, 29/01/2024 - 21:20
V dalším kole krajské hokejové ligy potřeboval tým Jablonce bodovat, aby se posunul v tabulce alespoň o patro výš a ujistil se o něco víc, že nebude hrát o záchranu. Z ledu soupeře, kvalitního Turnova, ale body Jablonečtí nepřivezli. Zápas skončil výsledkem 5:3.
Kategorie: Triatlon

Hrál za West Ham United i v Chorvatsku. Slovenský reprezentant je už v Jablonci

Z Jablonecka - Po, 29/01/2024 - 12:30
/FOTO, VIDEO/ Slovenský fotbalový reprezentant do 21 let Sebastian Nebyla, který si prošel mládeží West Ham United, posílil na herním soustředění v Turecku prvoligový klub FK Jablonec. Šikovný záložník přichází na sever Čech formou hostování s opcí z chorvatského NK Istra.
Kategorie: Triatlon

Výhru Gepardů pečetil Tomíček. Lípa odvolala gólmana

Z Jablonecka - Ne, 28/01/2024 - 23:59
V domácím utkání krajské hokejové ligy se jablonečtí Gepardi utkali s celkem České Lípy. Od počátku se na ledě odvíjel vyrovnaný souboj, v jehož úvodu měli mírnou převahu a několik šancí domácí.
Kategorie: Triatlon

Cyklokrosař Adam Žitný má jasno. Chce se dostat do reprezentace

Z Jablonecka - Ne, 28/01/2024 - 19:00
Patnáctiletý biker a cyklokrosař Adam Žitný z Lučan u Jablonce nad Nisou už má na svém kontě vynikající výsledky. Závodí tři roky. Nejlepším výsledkem v uplynulém roce bylo páté místo na Mistrovství České republiky v cyklokrosu. V cyklistické kariéře si dává vysoké cíle bez ohledu na to, že mu lékaři diagnostikovali cukrovku. Maká a říká: „Když člověk chce, tak to jde."
Kategorie: Triatlon

Jedenáct gólů v přípravě se fanouškům v Desné líbilo

Z Jablonecka - Ne, 28/01/2024 - 14:00
K druhému přípravnému utkání si fotbalisté Velkých Hamrů pozvali celek AFK Slavoj Podolí. Na umělém trávníku v Desné se hrál od začátku oboustranně útočný fotbal s řadou kombinací, ovšem s menším důrazem na obranu. A tak měla hrstka fanoušků možnost vidět slušnou úrodu branek.
Kategorie: Triatlon

Bedřichovský noční marathon ovládli Kocumová a Knop

Z Jablonecka - Ne, 28/01/2024 - 13:00
Do lyžařské stopy vyrazilo o víkendu na Bedřichově přes šest set lyžařů. Účastníci Bedřichovského nočního marathonu jeli s čelovkami. Program byl nabitý už od pátečního večera. A počastí tentokrát prověřilo jak závodníky, tak fanoušky a diváky.
Kategorie: Triatlon

Krajské soutěže by se mohly rozšířit. Přijde nový vítr ze severu?

Z Jablonecka - So, 27/01/2024 - 13:42
Bude mít fotbalový přebor v Libereckém kraji o dva účastníky více? Může se to stát. O přesunu k sousedům totiž uvažují dva kvalitní fotbalové celky, které hrají soutěže v Ústeckém kraji. Jeden krajský přebor, druhý I.A třídu. O koho jde?
Kategorie: Triatlon
